Dominic Pjontek
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
Thompson Engineering Building (TEB),
Room 377
Western University
p: 1-519-661-2143
Dominic Pjontek
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Ottawa
B.A.Sc. Chemical Engineering, University of Ottawa
The core theme of my research program is the development and optimization of multiphase reactors via experimental studies, process modeling, and scale-up considerations. My research group attempts to overcome the technological barriers delaying next-generation reactors needed to convert renewable raw materials and existing wastes materials into sustainable chemical building blocks and/or energy carriers. We thus apply our expertise in multiphase reactors to:
1. Develop heterogenous catalytic routes for CO2 conversion/utilization using gas-liquid-solid reactors,
2. Advance the fundamental understanding of interfacial area and flow behaviour predictions in multiphase reactors based on a combined experimental and modeling scale-up approach,
3. Identify and design innovative sustainable technologies based on the conversion of existing waste streams to value-added products.
Research activities are carried out on the Western University campus (Thompson Engineering Building) and at the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR), a facility which specializes on the production of fuels and chemicals from alternative resources, heavy oil upgrading, and sustainable technologies.
Research Topics:
- Multiphase reactor engineering
- CO2 and bio-oil upgrading (hydrogenation, thermal cracking)
- Gas-liquid transport phenomena
- Gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds (ebullated beds, slurry bubble columns)
- Particle agglomeration phenomena
- Reactor fouling
Awards and Distinctions
- R. Mohan Mathur Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)
- Maurice Bergougnou Teaching Award for Heat Transfer Operations (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
- NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship for Doctoral Studies
- University of Ottawa Excellence Scholarship for Graduate Studies
- Wilfrid Brisson Excellence Memorial Scholarship for Graduate Studies
- NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship for Master’s Studies
- NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Wilfrid Brisson Undergraduate Memorial Scholarship
- McLimont Scholarship