
  • Patented Liquid Solid Circulating Fluidized Bed Ion Exchange Systems for (i)phosphorus recovery for tertiarty treaty of wastewaters and (ii) phosphorus recovery from storm water management ponds, (iii) salt and nutrient removal from wastewater streams

  • Treatment of petroleum refinery desalter effluent using microbial approaches

  • Removal of road salt using phycoremediation and ion exchange

  • Clean water and value from  bioethanol industry and sugar industry wastewter streams using microbial systems

  • Biochemical engineering approaches for the treatment of recalcitrant and challenging wastewater effluent streams


  • Clean water and value from microalgae using anaerobic digester effluent as feedstock

  • Biosensors for environmental applications

  • Biodiesel and Bioenergy

  • Bacteriorhodopsin based  approaches for flexible electronics and optical valves