
H. Abdolvand
Associate Professor and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials for Low-Emission Energies, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Computational and experimental solid mechanics, deformation of materials across scales, crystal plasticity, finite element, diffraction and imaging techniques

S.F. Asokanthan
Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Dynamics and Control; Inertial Sensing and Applications; Nonlinear and Stochastic Mechanics; Rotating Flexible Multi-body Systems

K. Coley
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: High temperature kinetics, process modeling, slags, transport properties, oxygen steelmaking, and ladle metallurgy.

C. DeGroot
Assistant Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Computational fluid dynamics, high performance computing, algorithms, porous media, water/wastewater treatment

L. Ferreira
Associate Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Medical Mechatronics; Implantable Transducer Design; Biomechanics of Major Joints; Computer-Aided Systems for Orthopaedic Surgery

J.M. Floryan
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Fluid Mechanics; Hydrodynamic Stability; Flow Control; Numerical Algorithms; Moving Boundary Problems; Immersed Boundary Conditions Method

E. Gkouti
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Advanced composites, smart and soft materials, multi-physics modeling, AI/ML-driven technology and computer vision in material fabrication, experimental or image-based material characterization and modeling/simulation, intelligent defect detection techniques, solid mechanics, finite element analysis.

B. Hamilton
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Fouling resistant surfaces, biomimetic surface topographies, multi-axis CNC machining, and boundary layer flow

T.R. Jenkyn
Associate Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Orthopaedic Biomechanics; Advanced Medical Imaging; Musculoskeletal Computational Modeling; Injury Causation Biomechanics; Sport Science

L.Y. Jiang
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Solid Mechanics; Nanomechanics; Multi-physics Modeling; Soft Matters; Smart Materials; Composites.

E. Johlin
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Nano-Photonics, Energy Materials including Silicon and Perovskite, Photovoltaic Conversion

J. Johnson
Professor and Graham King Research Chair, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Orthopaedic Biomechanics; Implant Design and Analysis; Joint Motion and Load Transfer

R.E. Khayat
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Theoretical Fluid Dynamics; Free Surface and Interfacial Flows; Hydrodynamic Stability; Micro-Convective Heat Transfer; Newtonian and Complex Fluids

R. Klassen
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Micro-Mechanical Properties of Materials; Time-Dependent Deformation of Materials; Microstructure /Mechanical Property Relationships.

G.K. Knopf
Professor and Director of Engineering in Medicine, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Engineering Design; Geometric Modeling; Laser Micro-Fabrication; Optical Devices and Systems; Bioelectronics Biosensors.
E. A. Lalone
Associate Professor and Associate Director Biomedical Engineering - Undergraduate, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Biomechanics, kinematics, joint contact mechanics, musculoskeletal imaging, orthopaedic biomechanics, rehabilitation sciences

D. Langohr
Associate Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Design and analysis of orthopaedic joint replacement implants, computational and in-vitro tribological assessments of interacting surfaces, and finite element analysis of mechanical and biological structures

J. Makaran
Assistant Professor, Teaching Scholar and Associate Chair - Professional Programs, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Engineering curriculum design, experiential learning, industry-academic interaction, mechatronic product design, design for manufacturing, electronics and instrumentation.

H. Mao
Associate Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Head biomechanics, Traumatic brain injury, Mechanisms of brain dysfunction, Impact biomechanics, Blast biomechanics, Constitutive modeling of soft materials, Solid and structural mechanics

M.D. Naish
Associate Professor and Director, Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Mechatronic Systems; Computer-Assisted Surgery and Therapy; Surgical Robotics; Sensing Systems; Surgical Training; Medical Devices; Robotics.

K. Ogden
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Computational and analytical fluid dynamics; mixing and turbulence; waves and hydraulic flows; coastal flows

A. Price
Associate Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Smart Material Actuators and Sensors; Mechatronic Systems for Industrial Automation and Biomedical Applications; Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Materials; Conductive Electroactive Polymers and Composites; Magnetic and Thermal Shape Memory Materials

E. Savory
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng, C.EngResearch Interests / Specializations: Experimental Fluid Dynamics; Wind Engineering; Environmental Flows; Biological Fluid Mechanics.

H. Shi
Assistant Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Additive Manufacturing; Functional Materials and Devices; Energy Storage; Biomedical Sensors and Implants; Bio-inspired Nanomaterials; Data-driven Advanced Manufacturing.

K. Siddiqui
Professor and Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Experimental Fluid Mechanics; Turbulence; Interfacial Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer; Alternative Energy Systems; Energy Conversion

A.G. Straatman
Professor and Department Chair, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Porous Materials; Convective Heat Transfer; Turbulence

O.R. Tutunea-Fatan
Professor and Associate Chair - Graduate Research Programs, Ph.D, P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Multi-Axis CNC Machining; Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing; Intelligent Machining Systems; Numerical Methods
R. Willing
Associate Professor and Associate Chair - Undergraduate Programs, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Orthopaedic Biomechanics; Biomedical Implant Design and Analysis; Computational and Experimental Biomechanics; Multiobjective Design Optimization

J.T. Wood
Professor and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies Engineering, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Structure - Property Relationships; Lightweight Structural Materials for Automotive Applications; Magnesium Die-Casting; Composite Materials

M. Xia
Associate Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Smart Manufacturing, Machine Condition Monitoring, Industrial Data Mining, Process Monitoring and Optimization, and Smart Clean Energy Systems

Irene Yang
Assistant Professor and Endowed Chair in Orthopedic Spine & Trauma Biomechanics, Ph.D.
C. Zhang
Professor, Ph.D., P.Eng.Research Interests / Specializations: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flows; Vapor-Liquid Two-Phase Flows; Combustions and Emission Controls

Y. Zhao
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.Research Interests / Specializations: Energy Storage Materials; Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology; Batteries; Surface and Interface Engineering; Advanced Materials Characterization