Q&A with Luc Gignac

Looking at each aspect of an issue and finding the best possible solution. Becoming an engineer allows me to do that as a career, and create things that will impact people's day-to-day lives.

Luc Gignac

Second Year Civil Engineering/HBA


Luc is a student ambassador here to answer your questions. Click here to contact Luc.

Do you remember when you decided you wanted to pursue engineering? What sparked your interest?

I knew I wanted to do engineering for a long time, I just didn’t always know it what type of engineering I was after. I enjoyed solving problems and picking apart issues piece by piece. Looking at each aspect of an issue and finding the best possible solution. Becoming an engineer allows me to do that as a career, and create things that will impact people's day-to-day lives.

How do you manage school-related stress?

Oftentimes I will play music to relieve stress, playing my guitar or even just listening to music. Sometimes it helps just to take a step back from everything, and I think music is a great way to do that. As well as talking with friends can also be really liberating and realizing that everybody is struggling with things too.

What is your favourite quote?

“The quality of your day starts with you.”


Favourite study spot on campus?

CMLP, beside the student shops. It’s quiet, chilled, and almost never full.

Can you talk about your extra-curricular activities at Western (clubs, teams, volunteer work, outreach activities, athletics etc.)? Why would you encourage students to get involved in extra-curricular activities at Western Engineering?

In first year, I was a part of WECCA, Western Aero Design, and Susntag. This year I am the Aerodynamics lead on Sunstang, and a general member in WECCA. Western has one of the most diverse range of extra curriculars in Ontario. You want to build a formula one car? A solar powered electric car? A concrete canoe? There's a team for that. Whatever your interest, there's an extra curricular for you at Western where you can apply what you’re learning in class, have fun, and meet new people.

What is success to you?

Being able to fail, then learning and improving the next time.