Q&A with Keston Anderson

Western was the only school I found that promoted teamwork and collaboration, which spoke volumes to me about the atmosphere here. I’m glad to say it turned out to be true. There’s always someone you can turn to who can provide some support.

Keston Anderson

Fourth Year Mechanical Engineering with a Long-Term Co-op


Keston is a student ambassador here to answer your questions. Click here to contact Keston.

Why Western Engineering?

At Western, we say engineering is a team sport. When I was touring schools, most of them kept talking about a “competitive average” or trying to do better than your classmates to secure a spot in the program of your choice in second year. Western was the only school I found that promoted teamwork and collaboration, which spoke volumes to me about the atmosphere here. I’m glad to say it turned out to be true. There’s always someone you can turn to who can provide some support.

What do you do in your spare time?

I love the outdoors. During all four seasons I enjoy hiking, camping, or various sports depending on the temperature outside. In winter I get out skiing whenever I can, and during the rest of the year I love canoeing, biking, and swimming. For years I was heavily involved in music, playing french horn, trumpet and piano in bands at competitions. More recently I’ve also started picking up guitar, and I make sure to play it every day before I go to bed.

What was your orientation week experience like as a first-year student?

O-week is a blast. There’s so much to do and you meet so many people, some of whom might become some of your closest friends for the rest of your time at school. I made sure to participate in every activity I could. The concert was a ton of fun, definitely my favourite part.

Why did you choose your specific stream of engineering?

I’ve always been fascinated with figuring out how and why things work. As a kid I loved grabbing various complex objects (sometimes breaking them) and exploring them to find out what was inside them and how they fulfilled their purpose. Mechanical seemed like the obvious choice for someone like me, and 4 years later I have no regrets.

What is your favourite book, movie, or TV show?

No book series will ever top the feeling of reading Harry Potter for the first time.

Who do you look up to/admire and why?

Chris Hadfield! One of the most decorated and accomplished astronauts to date, and a Canadian. Served as commander of the ISS, has flown 3 missions, and played guitar in orbit!