Q&A with Dhariya Jain

The potential of pursuing the Ivey dual degree made me finalize my decision and accept the offer.

Dhariya Jain

First Year Engineering


Dhariya is a student ambassador here to answer your questions. Click here to contact Dhariya.

Why Western Engineering?

Western’s community and location played a big role in my decision, as London is a place that is far enough but not too far from home and lets me get away from the city life in Toronto. Another driving factor for choosing Western Engineering was that the first year is a general year, the general year allows me to try out material from every discipline and decide what suits me the best. The potential of pursuing the Ivey dual degree made me finalize my decision and accept the offer.

What do you do in your spare time?

This summer I played tennis and I hoped to do the same here, but haven’t gotten the chance to do so yet. Here at university, whenever I have some spare time, I try to clean around our suite, go to the gym, or go out in the city to shop, explore or eat. In the future, I hope to spend my spare time working on a programming project of my own and continue playing tennis.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I did ballet for a year and have been a professional background dancer for a while, making just under a thousand dollars from it.

Can you talk about your experiential learning experiences?

This past summer, I worked in maintenance for a water park in Toronto called Wet n’ Wild. That experience has made me familiar with pools' water filtration process and maintaining healthy chlorine levels in them. That job required a lot of landscaping, making me akin to machinery like power washers, mowers, leaf blowers etc.

Study tips for current/future students?

Don’t prioritize taking notes in lectures; you often get busy taking notes and don’t give your full attention to the material being taught. It is easier to get notes from somewhere rather than teaching material to yourself. Make a calendar including everything, whether that’s time for eating, watching YouTube, naps, commuting to classes and most importantly studying.

Can you talk about your residence experience?

I am living in a suite with three other roommates. I feel so lucky to have those three guys. We were all born in the same week, like the same movies and have so much in common. I feel like I’ve made relationships that'll last a lifetime. We've also hosted karaoke and movie nights for people on our floor, which was a great way to make friends and socialize.