M.Eng. Robotics and Control

In order to fulfill requirements of the MEng Program in Robotics and Control you have to successfully complete either 8 required technical courses & 2 non-technical courses OR 6 required courses, 1 research project, & 2 non-technical course (a project is equivalent to two courses).

Students admitted prior to Fall 2023 may fulfill their 8 (course-based) or 6 (project-based) required technical courses with any of the technical courses provided in the first list below (please see “Available Required Courses- Pre-Fall 2023 Admits”). 

Students admitted to and after Fall 2023 must fulfill their 8 (course-based) or 6 (project-based) required technical courses with 5 core technical courses and 3 elective technical courses or 5 core technical courses and 1 elective technical course, respectively. Please see the appropriate list below for core and elective technical courses within your stream.

To see a list of possible non-technical courses, please visit the Thompson Centre for Leadership and Innovation’s website.

For other courses of interest, such as graduate courses outside of ECE, undergraduate courses, elective courses outside of your stream, or auditing courses, please consult with Dr. Samani, M.Eng. Chair, before submitting the appropriate course enrolment form. Department approval is required for any technical course that is not listed on this page. Please submit the appropriate form to the ECE Office with all the required signatures before the enrollment deadline. Forms can be found on the main MEng webpage.

Note: On-line self-enrollment for graduate courses is completed through Student Center. Follow Login into the Student Center to enroll.

Robotics Option

Available Required Courses - Pre-Fall 2023 Admits - *Tentative - subject to change*


Course #

Course Title


Fall 2024

ECE 9013

Programming for Engineers

S. Saleh

Fall 2024 or Winter 2025

ECE 9014

Data Management & Applications

Fall-S. Sehra

Winter- P. Viswanathan

Fall 2024

ECE 9053

Robot Manipulators

I. Polushin

Fall 2024

ECE 9056

Linear Systems and Modern Control Theory

L. Brown

Winter 2025 or Summer 2025

ECE 9039

Machine Learning

Winter- S. Nikan

Summer-P. Viswanathan

Winter 2025

ECE 9047

Sensor Networks & Embedded Systems

J. McLeod

Winter 2025

ECE 9057

Advanced Digital Control


Winter 2025

ECE 9156

Topics in Autonomous Robotics

I. Polushin

Summer 2025

ECE 9020

Software Engineering for HCI Design

R. Eagleson

Courses marked with bold text have prerequisite course requirements

ECE 9039 - PREREQUISITE: ECE 9063 or ECE 9013 and ECE 9014

Required Core Courses- Fall 2023 & Post Fall 2023 Admits- *Tentative - subject to change*


Course #

Course Title


Fall 2024

ECE 9053

Robotics Manipulators

I. Polushin

Fall 2024

ECE 9056

Linear Systems and Modern Control

L. Brown

Winter 2025

ECE 9047

Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems

J. McLeod


Winter 2025


ECE 9156

Topics in Autonomous Robotics

I. Polushin

Winter 2025

ECE 9057

Advanced Digital Control Systems


List of Elective Courses- Fall 2023 & Post Fall 2023 Admits- *Tentative - subject to change*


Course #

Course Title


Fall 2024

ECE 9013

Programming for Engineers

S. Saleh

Fall 2024 or Winter 2025

ECE 9014*

Data Management & Applications

Fall-S. Sehra

Winter- P. Viswanathan

Fall 2024

ECE 9031*

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

V. Parsa

Winter 2025 or Summer 2025

ECE 9039

Machine Learning

Winter- S. Nikan

Summer- P. Viswanathan

Winter 2025

ECE 9069*

Introduction to Hacking

A. Essex

Winter 2025

ECE 9038*

Wireless Communications: Design and Simulation

S. Primak

Summer 2025

ECE 9020

Software Engineering for HCI Design

R. Eagleson

Courses marked with "*" are core courses in another stream

Courses marked with bold text have prerequisite course requirements

ECE 9039 - PREREQUISITE: ECE 9063 or ECE 9013 and ECE 9014

ECE 9038 - PREREQUISITE: ECE 4433/ECE4437 or equivalent

Please note that elective courses are subject to seat availability and are not guaranteed.