

Please fill out the Accommodation Consideration Request Form to inform us of your absence at any lecture, lab, tutorial, exam, etc., which you need academic relief for.

If what you are missing is worth under 10% of your final grade, your request for absence will go to your Department office (CBE, CEE, ECE, MME, MSE) for review/approval. If what you are missing is worth 10% or more of your final grade, or you are in first year, your request for absence will go to the Undergraduate Services Office for review/approval. 

Short Absences

If you miss a class due to a minor illness or other problems, check your course outline for information regarding attendance requirements and make sure you are not missing a test or assignment. Cover any readings and arrange to borrow notes from a classmate.

Extended Absences

If you are absent more than approximately two weeks or if you get too far behind to catch up, you should consider reducing your workload by dropping one or more courses. This must be done by the appropriate deadlines. (Refer to the Registrar’s website for official dates.) The Academic Counsellors can help you to consider the alternatives.

Exam Absences

Please review the information here about absences at exams.


All documentation should refelct all the days that you are absent.

If you consulted an off-campus doctor or Student Health Services regarding your illness or personal problem, you must provide the doctor with a Student Medical Certificate to complete at the time of your visit and then bring it to the Department (or the Undergraduate Services Office if you are in first year).  This note must contain the following information:  severity of illness, effect on academic studies and duration of absence.

In Case of Serious Illness of a Family Member: Provide a Student Medical Certificate to your family member's physician to complete and bring it to the Department (or the Undergraduate Services Office, SEB 2097, if you are in first year).

In Case of a Death: Obtain a copy of the death certificate or the notice provided by the funeral director's office. You must include your relationship to the deceased and bring it to the Department (or the Undergraduate Services Office, SEB 2097, if you are in first year).

For Other Extenuating Circumstances: If you are not sure what documentation to provide, ask the Department Office (or the Undergraduate Services Office if you are in first year) for direction.

Note: Forged notes and certificates will be dealt with severely. To submit a forged document is a scholastic offence.