Evan Angus


Research Interests

Examination of factors contributing to septic contamination in lake tributaries. 

Septic systems provide wastewater treatment for homes in regions not serviced by municipal infrastructure. As a result, septic systems may provide increased inputs of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen to nearby tributaries. To understand the large-scale estimates of the contribution of septic systems to nutrient tributary loads, there is a need to determine the fraction of septic system wastewater effluent that reaches tributaries and evaluate if this fraction varies between physical, geographic, and socio-economic characteristics of the sub watershed.  

Personal Background:

Evan graduated from Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering in May 2021. Intending to continue his education, Evan joined the RESTORE group as a master’s student under the supervision of Dr. Clare Robinson in January 2022