Hamed Mohamadian


Research Interests / Specializations:

  • Stochastic groundwater hydrology, Reactive transport in porous media, Numerical modeling, Flood forcasting, Geospatial data analysis


Evaluating the influence of a stormwater exfiltration system on stormwater runoff reductions and potential groundwater contamination.

This study aims to investigate the performance of a EES in reducing stormwater runoff volumes peak flows, and chloride loads, and the potential impacts on contamination of the surrounding groundwater

Personal Background:

Hamed became a Ph.D. student at RESTORE group in September 2023. Prior to this, he completed his master's degree in environmental engineering at Politecnico di Milano University in Milan from February 2019 to December 2021. During his master's program, he spent eighteen months as an exchange student at Aalborg University, where he conducted his master's thesis. Before joining RESTORE, he worked as a research assistant at Politecnico di Milano University.