STEM @ Home



Welcome to the STEM @ Home Archive

Every week we will be providing new and exciting STEM activities for children from grades K-8 on our main page. This page hosts all of the previous weeks activities in case you wanted to revisit some of your favourite activities.

Note: Some activities require parental supervision and will be listed in the activity document.


Week 1

Grades K-2: Chalk It Up

Students will expand their math skills and fine motor skills by measuring and mixing ingredients.

Students will discuss states of matter to learn about solids, liquids, and gases.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures; Grade 2 – Measurement, Properties of Liquids and Solids

Grades 3-5: Fighting the Wind

Students will learn what a structure is and its ability to maintain stability and strength

Students will consider how forces play a role in affecting the strength and stability of structures

Students will understand the major roles struts and ties play in increasing a structure's strength and stability

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures; Grade 5 – Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: Microbit Can't Catch Me

Students will get an introduction to coding and software engineering by creating a fun and interactive game that tests their logical thinking and creativity skills.

By creating this game, students will have a better understanding of how their favourite games are created.

They will learn how to use variables, loops, if-statements and inputs.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6-8 – The Four Step Problem-Solving Model

Week 2

Grades K-2: Exploring Static Electricity

Students will explore the energy we use every day and will consider how things around them can be affected by static electricity.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Energy in Our Lives

Grades 3-5: Grab the Moon Rocks

Students will learn about movement and how different pieces of a system work together to perform a specific function.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures; Grade 4 – Pulleys and Gears

Grades 6-8: Pasta Bridges

Students will explore civil engineering as they learn about different types of bridges and create their own using pasta.

Students will consider form and function and reflect on how the location of a bridge helps determine what kind of bridge is built.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Form and Functions; Grade 8 – Systems in Action

Week 3

Grades K-2: Scratch Jr Find My Friend

Students will be introduced to coding through the easy-to-use, kid-friendly Scratch Jr. Platform.

Students will be learning about technology, while developing fine motor skills.

Students will develop critical and creative thinking skills with the application of those skills on a technological platform, as recommended in the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum.

Grades 3-5: Snow Globe Solutions

There are three common states of matter. Physical change refers to the fact that a substance can be changed from one form to another. Chemical change implies the formation of a new substance. Identify indicators of a chemical change. Distinguish between a physical and chemical change.

Grades 6-8: Moon Colony

Use the engineering design process to determine an appropriate solution for a problem.

Explain at least three ways that energy can be produced, along with their given strengths and weaknesses.

Recognize the complicated nature of trying to create artificial habitats, and how doing so can help us on Earth.

Week 4

Grades K-2: Homemade Pulley Challenge

Students will explore force and movement as the make a simple machine.

Students will learn about the types of simple machines and how they enable movement. 

Grades 3-5: Round and Round Ferris Wheel Design

Students will explore mechanical engineering when they create their own Ferris wheel and chair

Curriculum connections: Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures; Grade 4 – Pulleys and Gears; Gr. 5 – Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: Rubber Band Car Bowling

Students will develop their problem-solving skills as they build a test a rubber band car.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Form and Function; Grade 8 – Systems in Action.

Week 5

Grades K-2: City Planners

Students will learn about civil engineering and city planning as they design and build their own cities

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures

Grades 3-5: The Cure for Cancer

Students will learn about cancer in the human body and will explore potential cancer treatments.

Students will apply problem-solving skills to create a model to remove cancer cells.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 5 – Human Organ Systems, Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: Scratch Etch-a-Sketch

Students will get an introduction to coding and software engineering by creating a fun and interactive game that tests their logical thinking and creativity skills.

They will learn how to use loops, if-statements and inputs.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6-8 – The Four Step Problem-Solving Model

Week 6

Grades K-2: Protect that Pill

Students will consider their own body systems as they learn about medicine.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Needs and Characteristics of Living Things; Grade 2 – Properties of Liquids and Solids

Grades 3-5: Soundproofers!

Light and sounds are forms of energy with specific properties.

Sound is created by vibrations

Investigate the characteristics and properties of light and sound.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 4: light and sound Grade 5: Properties and Changes in Matter

Grades 6-8: Canadian Inventors

Students will learn about some of the greatest Canadian inventions and then find a problem in their own community to make an invention that solves that problem.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - Form and Function

Week 7

Grades K-2: Floamming Around

Students will expand their fine motor skills by measuring and mixing ingredients.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures, Grade 2 – Properties of liquids & solids

Grades 3-5: Breath of Fresh Air

Students will learn about the implications of air pollution.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 4 – Habitats and Communities, Grade 5 – Properties of and Changes in Matter

Grades 6-8: Tetrahedral Flight

Understanding the concept of lift and the interactions between forces involved in flight.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6 - Flight, Grade 8 - Fluids

Week 8

Grades K-2: Water Cyle in a Bag

Students will consider how the water cycle is being used around them and the effects it has on the environment.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 - Daily and Seasonal Changes; Grade 2 – Air and Water in the Environment

Grades 3-5: Levers: A Simple Machine

Students will consider how levers are very important simple machines and explore the ways they are used in the world

Curriculum Connections: Grade 4 - Simple Machines; Grade 5 – Understanding Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: Dying Flowers using Science!

Students will consider how plants suck up the water from the soil to live using flowers

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - Interactions in the Environment; Grade 8 - Fluids

Week 9

Grades K-2: Strike a Tune

Students will be exploring sound through a lesson and building an instrument.

Students will be learning about the 3 parts of the ear (inner, middle, outer).

Students will be discovering that the brain and ears are connected.

Curriculum Connections: SK to 1 - Understanding matter and energy.

Grades 3-5: Volcano Shelters

Students will apply the engineering design process to ensure that they successfully built a shelter that will not collapse under the weight of more and more flour.

Students will engage in multiple tests to make observations that can lead to the best possible design for their structures.

Curriculum Connections: 3 to 5 - Understanding Structures and Mechanisms, Strong and Stable Structures.

Grades 6-8: Homes for Different Climates

Explain why engineers design different types of homes in different locations (to meet the needs of various climates).

Give examples of different home designs engineers might use for different climates.

Explain the wide range of building materials used to construct homes in different climates.

Curriculum Connections: 6 to 8 - Understanding Earth and Space Systems, Heat in the Environment.

Week 10

Grades K-2: Jelly Bean Structures

Students will learn what a structure is and its ability to maintain stability and strength.

Students will consider how forces play a role in affecting the strength and stability of structures. 

Students will understand about everyday structures and materials. 

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures; Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures.

Grades 3-5: Floor Plans

Students will learn what a structure is and its ability to maintain stability and strength.

Students will consider how forces play a role in affecting the strength and stability of structures.

Investigate structural stability and all the work that goes into planning a building.

Curriculum connections: Grade 3 - Strong and Stable Structures; Gr. 5 - Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: Waterproof Clothes

Students will learn about hydrophobicity and investigate ways to make material repel fluids.

Students will be introduced to the idea of nanotechnology.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - pure substances and mixtures; Grade 8 - Fluids.

Week 11

Grades K-2: Marble Run Madness

Students will be able to understand gravitational and kinetic energy.

Students will be able to make a structure that is navigable.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 - Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures; Grade 2 – Energy in our Lives.

Grades 3-5: Baking Soda Boats

Students will explore chemical engineering.

Students will explore and discuss the states of matter.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Forces Causing Movement; Grade 5 - Properties of and Changes in Matter

Grades 6-8: Ripening Fruit in Space

Students will expand their knowledge of space nutrition.

Students will discuss be able to the effects of chemical treatments to inhibit the ripening of fruit.

Students will have knowledge of many different ways to preserve fruits.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6 - Understanding Earth and Space Systems; Grade 7 – Pure Substances and Mixtures; Grade 8 – Understanding Life Systems

Week 12

Grades K-2: Twinkle Twinkle Little Scratch

Students will explore basic coding fundamentals through interactive activities.

Students will be introduced to coding through the Scratch platform.

Curriculum Connections: Students will develop critical and creating thinking skills with the application of those skills on a technological platform, as recommended in the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum.

Grades 3-5: Mission: Mars Landing

Students will learn about forces and shock absorption.

Students will learn about the engineering design process

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 - Strong and Stable Structures; Grade 4 - Habitats and Communities; Grade 5 - Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

Grades 6-8: 3D Name Sculptures

Students will learn about the engineering design process.

Students will develop problem-solving and design skills by building a strong and stable tower.

Students will learn about reinforcements in buildings and why they are necessary.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6 - Flight; Grade 7 - Form and Function; Grade 8- Systems in Action.

Week 13

Grades K-2: Tensile Bubbles

Students will explore tensile liquids.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 2 – Properties of Liquids and Solids.

Grades 3-5: Construct a Crane

Students will explore pulleys change the speed, direction, motion of, and the force exerted on moving objects.

Students will explore pulleys make it possible for a small input force to generate a large output force.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Forces Causing Movement; Grade 4 – Pulleys and Gears; Grade 5 – Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms.

Grades 6-8: Create a Pinball Machine

Students will investigate the elements that cause movement.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Form and Function, Grade 8 - Systems in Actions.

Week 14

Grades K-2: Paper Plate Pinball Challenge

Students move through the stages of the engineering design process as they create their paper plate maze.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures; Grade 2 - Movement.

Grades 3-5: Carving out the Landscape

Students will learn about the considerations and engineering that is used when planning where and how to build roads through the natural landscape.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures

Cross-Curriculum Connections to Social Studies: Grade 3 – Living and Working in Ontario; Grade 4 – Political and Physical Regions of Canada

Grades 6-8: Solar Powered Desalination

Students will investigate how changing the state of matter of water can separate it into clean drinking water.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Heat in the Environment, Pure Substances and Mixtures; Grade 8 – Systems in Action, Fluids, Water Systems.

Week 15

Grades K-2: Potential Energy Game

Students will consider what energy is and how it is conserved while playing a game.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1- Energy in Our Lives; Grade 2 – Movement.

Grades 3-5: Modeling Lungs

Students will consider how the respiratory system works by creating their very own model of the lungs.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 5 – Human Organ Systems.

Grades 6-8: The Power Behind Paddle Boats

Students will consider how the theory of conservation of energy can be applied to everyday processes.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - Understanding Structures and Mechanisms; Grade 8 – System’s in Action.

Week 16

Grades K-2: Gummy Gummy Bear

Students will explore chemical engineering and how some foods are made/designed.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 - Identify food as a source of energy for themselves and other living things; Grade 2 Descrive some was in which solids and liquids can be combined to make useful substances.

Grades 3-5: Aviary Architect

Students will invesitage through experimentation how various materials and construction techniques can be used to add strength to structures.

Students will describe structural adaptations that allow plants and animals to survive in specific habitats.

Students will use technological problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a frame structure that will withstand the application of an external force.

Grades 6-8: Tall Tower Challenge

Students will use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills to investigate the properties of air.

Students will design and construct a variety of stuctures and investiagte the relationship between the design and function of these sturctures and the forces that act on them.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of different types of systems and the factors that contribute to their safe and efficient operation.

Week 17

Grades K-2: Tornado in a Jar

Students will learn about tornados and how they are formed.

Students will learn about environmental engineering.

Students will understand some of the engineering challenges brought on by extreme weather.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures and Daily and Seasonal Changes.

Grades 3-5: Raft Transport Challenge

Learn about buoyancy.

Students will learn about the Archimedes principle.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 5 – Properties of and Changes in Matter, Grade 5 – Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms.

Grades 6-8: Whirling Windmills

Students will learn about renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Students will learn about green chemistry.

Students will learn about wind turbines.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Structures and Mechanisms: Form and Function and Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Heat in the Environment; Grade 8 - Structures and Mechanisms: Systems in Action.

Week 18

Grades K-2: DIY Spectroscope

Students will explore the physics of light.

Students will discuss about how light has energy and contributes to life on Earth.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Needs and Characteristics of Living Things; Energy in Our Lives.

Grades 3-5: Crystal Suncatchers

Students will be introduced to chemical engineering through crystal growth.

Students will apply mathematical symmetry concepts.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Strong and Stable Structures; Grade 5 – Properties of and Changes in Matter.

Grades 6-8: Engineering a Vertical Farm

Students will expand their math skills and fine motor skills by measuring and mixing ingredients.

Students will discuss states of matter to learn about solids, liquids, and gases.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6 – Biodiversity; Grade 7 – Interactions in the Environment.

Week 19

Grades K-2: DIY Abacus

Students will learn about some basic mathematical concepts and about an abacus and why it is used.

Curriculum Connections: Students will develop critically and creating thinking skills with the application of those skills on a technological platform, as recommended in the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum.

Grades 3-5: Binary Words

Students will about software engineering in a creative way.

Students will about how the binary number system works.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3- Forces causing movement, Grade 4- Light and Sound, Grade 5-Conservation of energy and resources.

Grades 6-8: Musical Masterpieces

Students will describe the basic concept of a hearing-aid and how sound can be amplified.

Students will describe the need for the modern-day hearing aid and how engineers have improved the device with new materials and technologies.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 6 - Electricity and Electrical Devices, Grade 7 - Form and Function, Grade 8- Systems in Action.

Week 20

Grades K-2: Straw Rockets

Students will Explore Mechanical Engineering and learn about rockets.

Students will be introduced to coding through the Scratch platform.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 - Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures, Grade 2 – Movement.

Grades 3-5: DIY Lockbox

Students will explore mechanical engineering as they design and build their own functioning lock box. They will see how the pieces of the box must work together to function properly.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Forces causing movement, Grade 4- Pulleys and Gears, Grade 5: Forces acting on Structures and Mechanisms.

Grades 6-8: Keeping you in Suspension

Students will about the forces at work in suspension bridges and how the form of suspension bridges affects their function.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Form and Function; Grade 8 – Systems in Action

Week 21

Grades K-2: Smartphone Projector

Students investigate how to bend light waves to increase the size of an image.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Energy in Our Lives; Grade 2 - Movement.

Grades 3-5: Compost Bioreactor

Students will learn about environmental engineering, what biodegradable and environmentally friendly means, and what composting is.

Students will about how the binary number system works.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 3 – Soils in the Environment; Grade 5 – Conservation of Energy and Resources.

Grades 6-8: Building a Ferris Wheel

Students will create a Ferris wheel using knowledge of engineering design and understandings of gravity, force, and structure.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 – Form and Function.

Week 22

Grades K-2: Edible Igneous Rocks

Students will consider how rocks were formed and how to identify them.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 - Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures; Grade 2 – Properties of Liquids and Solids

Grades 3-5: Edible Sedimentary Rocks

Students will consider how rocks form and how to identify them.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 4 - Rocks and Minerals

Grades 6-8: Hot Ice

Students will consider acidic and basic chemicals.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - Pure Substances and Mixtures

Week 23

Grades K-2: Lava Lamps

Students will investigate, through experimentation, the properties of various materials.

Students will investigate, through experimentation, interactions that occur as a result of mixing and/or dissolving liquids and solids.

Grades 3-5: Perpetual Motion Machine

Students will investigate forces that cause an object to start moving, stop moving, or change direction.

Students will use technological problem-solving skills and knowledge acquired from previous investigations.

Students will use technological problem-solving skills to design, build, and test a device that transforms one form of energy into another.

Grades 6-8: Micro Bit: Compass

Students wil solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures.

Students will solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves events influenced by a defined count.

Week 24

Grades K-2: Homemade Magnifying Glass

Students will learn about scientific exploration.

Students will learn about the scientific method.

Students will be introduced to the concept of light refraction.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 1 – Needs and Characteristics of Living Things and Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures

Grades 3-5: Extreme Roller Coasters

Students will learn about the conservation of energy principle.

Students will learn about different types of potential energy.

Students will investigate the relationship between potential and kinetic energy.

Curriculum connections: Grade 5: Conservation of Energy and Resources

Grades 6-8: Helmet Protection

Students will learn about Newton’s first law of motion and the concept of inertia.

Students will consider how forces affect the system of a cyclist.

Investigate the forms a helmet can take to perform its function.

Curriculum Connections: Grade 7 - Form and Function, Grade 8 - Systems in Action.