
Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials for Low-Emission Energies
In an ideal world, a jet engine turbine blade would never crack, would never fatigue, would withstand as high a temperature as we can impose, and would be as light and as strong as we can imagine. In the real world, to take even partial steps towards such goals, we need a deep understanding of materials performance at many length and time scales. At nano and meso scales, the mismatch between elastic and plastic properties of each grain in a polycrystalline material results in local stress concentrations and in crack nucleation which eventually limits the life and performance of a design. Understanding the nature and the source of local stress heterogeneities and their impact on the macroscopic behaviour require development of numerical methods describing each length and time scale, approaches to bridge between methods, and the use or development of cutting edge experimental techniques to validate the numerical results.
Our research focuses on the development of different numerical methods and on the linking of them to diffraction and image based experimental techniques. At MSDL we seek to explain the effects of various environments on the performance and integrity of polycrystalline materials.
Research topics:
- Mechanics of materials across length and time scales- both modeling and experimental.
- Fatigue, fracture, and (irradiation) creep.
- Finite element, crystal plasticity, and dislocation dynamics.
- Synchrotron x-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction/imaging.
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Jan 2025: Saiedeh's new paper on in-stu SEM/EBSD testing and fracture of hydrides in zirconium is out: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2024.104149.
Aug 2024: Congratulations to Brandon for successfully defending his PhD proposal.
July 2024: Saiedeh's new paper on the fracture of hydrides is now published, see here.
July 2024: Multiple PhD positions are available: Click here for more information.
July 2024: We have a PhD position in the area of FEM and Machine learning.
May 2024: Congratulations to Masoud for receiving an award at CANDU Fuel Channel Seminar. See some photos here.
Selected Publications