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Chowdhury Jubayer
Journal Articles

Karava, P., Jubayer, C. M., and Savory, E., 2011. Numerical modelling of forced convective heat transfer from the inclined windward roof of an isolated low-rise building with application to photovoltaic/thermal systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 31, 1950-1963.

Conference Papers

Karava, P., Jubayer, C. M., and Savory, E., 2011. Effect of terrain on the forced convective heat transfer from the inclined windward roof of a low-rise building. The 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 10-15, 2011.

Jubayer, C. M., Karava, P., and Savory, E., 2010. CFD simulations for evaluation of forced convective heat transfer coefficients on Photovoltaic/Thermal systems integrated on the windward roof surface of a low-rise building. The fifth international symposium on computation wind engineering, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, May 23-27, 2010

Jubayer, C. M., Karava, P., and Savory, E., 2010. Building-integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal systems – numerical prediction of exterior convective heat transfer coefficients and parametric analysis. The first international high performance building conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, July 12-15, 2010

Academic work

Jubayer, C. M., 2010. Numerical modelling of forced convective heat transfer from the inclined windward roof of a low-rise building with application to photovoltaic/thermal systems. MESc Thesis, The University of Western Ontario, 130 pp.
Thesis (.pdf, 10.4 MB)

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