Support and Mentorship

Support and Mentorship for Women

At Western Engineering we recognize that diversity in our student body drives creativity and innovation. Because of this, we support all of our students irrespective of gender, age or ethnicity in the pursuit of knowledge, excellence, and happiness.

Success in and beyond your degree is not solely dependent upon your academic ability and effort. At Western, engineering is a team sport. Your success is our collective responsibility and we have put in place numerous resources to ensure that you get the support you need to achieve your goals.

Academic Counsellors

Academic counselling is available to Western Engineering students from day one. A dedicated first-year Academic Counsellor is available to assist you with all academic, personal and general questions and concerns. Upper-year Academic Counsellors have connections across campus to ensure your academic, mental, and physical well-being. Conversations take place in a welcoming and confidential environment.

Orientation Week

Western University offers a fun and informative Orientation Week (O-Week) experience. We encourage you to join in and attend the events, including Faculty Day, which features a welcome from the dean and associate dean, academic, as well as an opportunity to meet first-year professors, faculty, staff and students. The Engineering Soph team plans a fun-filled day of activities for the remainder of the day.

Engineering Resilience Program

In partnership with Western’s Wellness Education Centre this cognitive-behavioural program is founded in the key principals of Positive Psychology. It is designed to empower students to respond resiliently to life’s challenges. The goal of the program is to provide early intervention strategies and equip students with the tools and skills to prevent mental health and academic crises.

Super Tutor Program

The Super Tutor Program is available to all first-year engineering students - and it’s free! This program allows top ranking upper-year student volunteers to work with first-year students on their courses during weekly drop-in sessions.

Extended First Year Program

To help all of our students succeed, Western Engineering created the Extended First Year to allow students more time to complete their first-year program. This option reduces the number of courses taken in second term by extending the school year at Western into the summer.

Women in Engineering Student Group

Western Engineering has an active Women in Engineering student group. The students organize social events throughout the year including a networking brunch and speed networking night with alumni and industry partners.

Big Sister, Little Sister

Approximately 21 per cent of our undergraduate students are female. In first year, all female engineering students are offered the opportunity to partner with an upper-year student as part of the Big Sister/Little Sister program. These relationships have been known to extend throughout our students’ entire time at Western.

Volunteer Opportunities

Not only will we ensure that you receive the mentorship and support you need, but through our outreach programs including Go ENG Girl, Discovery Western and our high school mentorship program you would have the opportunity to mentor young women on their path to engineering. This is a great opportunity for you to share your passion for what you do and simultaneously develop your own leadership potential.