
Refereed Journal Publications

  1. Chen, L., DeGroot, C.T., Bassi, A., 2024, "Biofilm growth enhancement in microalgae biofilm reactors: Parameters, configurations, and modeling." J. Water Process Eng., 65, Article 105780, DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2024.105780.
  2. D’Aoust, P.M., Hegazy, N., Ramsay, N.T., Yang, M.I., Dhiyebi, H.A, Edwards, E., Servos, M.R., Ybazeta, G., Habash, M., Goodridge, L., Poon, A., Arts, E., Brown, R.S., Payne, S.J., Kirkwood, A., Simmons, D., Desaulniers, J.-P., Ormeci, B., Kyle, C., Bulir, D., Charles, T., McKay, R.M., Gilbride, K., Oswald, C., Peng, H., Pileggi, V., Wang, M.L., Tong, A., Orellano, D., Ontario Wastewater Surveillance Consortium, DeGroot, C.T., Delatolla, R., 2024, "SARS-CoV-2 viral titer measurements in Ontario, Canada wastewaters throughout the COVID-19 pandemic." Nature Scientific Data, 11, Article 656, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-03414-w. (Open Access)
  3. Thakali, O., Mercier, É., Eid, W., Wellman, M., Brasset-Gorny, J., Overton, A.K., Knapp, J.J., Manuel, D., Charles, T.C., Goodridge, L., Arts, E.J., Poon, A.F.Y, Brown, R.S., Graber, T.E., Delatolla, R., DeGroot, C.T., Ontario Wastewater Surveillance Consortium, 2024, "Real-time evaluation of signal accuracy in wastewater surveillance of pathogens with high rates of mutation." Nature Scientific Reports, 14, Article 3728. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-54319-y. (Open Access)
  4. Wang, C., DeGroot, C.T., Floryan, J.M, 2024, "Numerical simulation of drag reduction for turbulent flow in cylindrical annuli with axial corrugations." Trans. CSME, In Press, DOI: 10.1139/tcsme-2023-0034. (Open Access)
  5. Kuska, M., Siddiqui, K., DeGroot, C.T., 2024, "Energy modeling of an aquaculture raceway." ASME J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 146(2), Article 021001, DOI: 10.1115/1.4063868.
  6. Sarkar, D., Savory, E., DeGroot, C.T., 2023, "Thermodynamic modeling of thermosyphons and heat pipes." Physics of Fluids, 35, Article 123307, DOI: 10.1063/5.0174160.
  7. Sherratt, A., Ghazimoradi, M., Montesano, J., Straatman, A.G., DeGroot, C.T., Henning, F., 2023, "A model for permeability in fibre-reinforced plastics." Trans. CSME, 47(4), pp. 521-531, DOI: 10.1139/tcsme-2022-0084.
  8. Samadi, Z., Mehdizadeh Allaf, M., Vourc’h, T., DeGroot, C.T., Peerhossaini, H., 2023, "Investigation of Synechocystissp. CPCC 534 motility during different stages of the growth period in active fluids." Processes 11(5), Article 1492, DOI: 10.3390/pr11051492. (Open Access)
  9. Akber, S., DeGroot, C.T., Siddiqui, K., 2023, "Numerical investigation of thermo-fluid behaviour in a channel with PCM-filled columns," Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 191, Article 108354, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2023.108354.
  10. Maloth, R., Khayat, R.E., DeGroot, C.T., 2022, "Bubble growth in supersaturated liquids," MDPI Fluids, 7(12), Article 365, DOI: 10.3390/fluids7120365. (Open Access)
  11. Sherratt, A., Straatman, A.G., DeGroot, C.T., Henning, F., 2022, "Investigation of a non-equilibrium energy model for resin transfer molding simulations," J. Compos. Sci., 6(6), Article 180, DOI: 10.3390/jcs6060180. (Open Access)
  12. Samadi, Z., Mehdizadeh-Allaf, M., Saifi, R., DeGroot, C.T., Peerhossaini, H., 2022, "Effects of turbulent mixing and orbitally shaking on cell growth and biomass production in active fluids," American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 15(4), pp. 396-404, DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2022.15.002129. (Open Access)
  13. Morales, R.B., DeGroot, C.T., Scholes, G.C., Gerhard, J.I., 2022, "Understanding, controlling and optimising the cooling of waste thermal treatment beds including STARx Hottpads," Waste Management & Research, 40(9), pp. 1390-1401, DOI: 10.1177/0734242X221076308. (Open Acess) 
  14. Mehdizadeh-Allaf, M., Habibi, Z., de Bruyn, J., DeGroot, C.T., Peerhossaini, H., 2021, "Rheological and biophysical properties of living fluids under shear: Active suspensions of Synechocystis sp. CPCC 534," ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 144(2), Article 021208, DOI: 10.1115/1.4052053. (Open Access)
  15. Khalil, A., Rosso, D., DeGroot, C.T., 2021, "Effects of flow velocity and bubble size distribution on oxygen mass transfer in bubble column reactors - A critical evaluation of the Computational Fluid Dynamics ‐ Population Balance Model," Water Environment Research, 93(10), pp. 2274-2297, DOI: 10.1002/wer.1604.
  16. Khalil, A., Santoro, D., Batstone, D.J., DeGroot, C.T., 2021, "Uncertainty analysis of rising sewer models with respect to input parameters and model structure using Monte Carlo simulations and computational fluid dynamics," Water Science & Technology, 83(10), pp. 2486-2503, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2021.139. (Open Access)
  17. Fadlallah. H., Peerhossaini, H., DeGroot, C.T., Jarrahi, H., 2021, "Motility response to hydrodynamic stress during the growth cycle in active fluid suspensions," ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 143(7), Article 074501, DOI: 10.1115/1.4050054.
  18. Edmonds, B.P.R., DeGroot, C.T., Trejos, A.L., 2021, "Thermal modeling and characterization of twisted coiled actuators for upper limb wearable devices," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26(2), pp. 966-977, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3014804.
  19. Kuska, M.H., DeGroot, C.T., Siddiqui, K., 2020, "Investigation of geothermal energy utilization for thermal regulation of aquaculture raceway," International Journal of Green Energy, 17(9), pp. 540-553, DOI: 0.1080/15435075.2020.1763357.
  20. Boiocchi, R., Behera, C.R., Sherratt, A., DeGroot, C.T., Gernaey, K.V., Sin, G., Santoro, D., 2020, "Dynamic model validation and advanced polymer control for rotating belt filtration as primary treatment of domestic wastewaters," Chem. Eng. Sci., 217, Article 115510, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2020.115510.
  21. Amaral, A., Gillot, S., Garrido-Baserba, M., Filali, A., Karpinska, A., Plosz, B., DeGroot, C.T., Bellandi, G., Nopens, I., Takács, I., Lizarralde, I., Jimenez, J., Fiat, J., Rieger, L., Arnell, M., Andersen, M., Jeppsson, U., Rehman, U., Fayolle, Y., Amerlinck, Y., and Rosso, D., 2019, "Modelling gas-liquid mass transfer in wastewater treatment: when current knowledge needs to encounter engineering practice and vice-versa," Water Science & Technology, 80(4), pp. 607-619, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2019.253. (Editor's Choice Paper, Open Access)
  22. DeGroot, C.T., 2019, "Convergence and error analysis of an automatically differentiated finite volume based heat conduction code," Int. J. Numer. Method Heat Fluid Flow, 29(7), pp. 2389-2406, DOI: 10.1108/HFF-09-2018-0489.
  23. Sherratt, A., DeGroot, C.T., Straatman, A.G., Santoro, D., 2019, "Numerical modelling and control of solids separation using continuously moving fine mesh sieves", Chem. Eng. Sci., 195, pp. 881-893, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2018.10.033.
  24. Sherratt, A., DeGroot, C.T., Straatman, A.G., Santoro, D., 2019, "A numerical approach for determining the resistance of fine mesh filters", Trans. CSME, 43(2), pp. 221-229, DOI: 10.1139/tcsme-2018-0071.
  25. DeGroot, C.T., 2018, "WEdiff: A Python and C++ package for automatic differentiation", J. Open Source Software, 3(31), Article 820, DOI: 10.21105/joss.00820.
  26. DeGroot, C.T., 2018, "Automatic differentiation of a finite-volume-based transient heat conduction code for sensitivity analysis", Numer. Heat Transfer Part B, 73(5), pp. 292-307, DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2018.1486648.
  27. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2018, "A porous media model of alveolar duct flow in the human lung", J. Porous Media, 21(5), pp. 405-422, DOI: 10.1615/JPorMedia.v21.i5.20.
  28. DeGroot, C.T., Wang, C., and Floryan, J.M., 2016, "Drag reduction due to streamwise grooves in turbulent channel flow," ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 138(12), Article 121201, DOI: 10.1115/1.4034098.
  29. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2016, "A conjugate fluid-porous approach for simulating airflow in realistic geometric representations of the human respiratory system," ASME J. Biomech. Eng., 138(3), Article 034501, DOI: 10.1115/1.4032113.
  30. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2012, "Numerical results for the effective flow and thermal properties of idealized graphite foam," ASME J. Heat Transfer, 134(4), Article 042603, DOI: 10.1115/1.4005207.
  31. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2011, "A finite-volume model for fluid flow and nonequilibrium heat transfer in conjugate fluid-porous domains using general unstructured grids," Numer. Heat Transfer Part B, 60(4), pp. 252-277, DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2011.601180.
  32. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2011, "Closure of non-equilibrium volume-averaged energy equations in high-conductivity porous media," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 54(23/24), pp. 5039-5048, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2011.07.018.
  33. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2010, "The effect of thermal contact resistance at porous-solid interfaces in finned metal foam heat sinks," ASME J. Electron. Packag., 132(4), Article 041007, DOI: 10.1115/1.4002724.
  34. Sultan, K., DeGroot, C.T., Straatman, A.G., Gallego, N., and Hangan, H., 2009, "Thermal characterization of porous graphitic foam - convection in impinging flow," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52(19/20), pp. 4296-4301, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.03.070.
  35. DeGroot, C.T., Straatman, A.G., and Betchen, L.J., 2009, "Modeling forced convection in finned metal foam heat sinks," ASME J. Electron. Packag., 131(2), Article 021001, DOI: 10.1115/1.3103934.

Book Chapters

  1. DeGroot, C.T. and Straatman, A.G., 2012, "Thermal dispersion in high-conductivity porous media," Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Delgado, J.M.P.Q , Ed., Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 153–180.