Dr.  K. Y. Lo - Publications

Total Number of Publications:

Refereed Journals

Refereed Proceedings


Research Reports





Refereed Journal Papers (Recent Only)

  1. Hinchberger, S.D, Qu, G. and Lo, K.Y. (2010). Constitutive approach for rate-sensitive anisotropic structured clays.  International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.  DOI: 10.1002/nag.881.  Click here to view paper.

  2. Dittrich, J.P., Rowe, R.K., Becker, D.E. and Lo, K.Y. (2010).  Influence of ex-solved gases on slope performance at the Sarnia approach cut to the St. Clair Tunnel.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 9, pp. 971-984.  Click here to view paper.

  3. Qu, G., Hinchberger, S.D. and Lo, K.Y. (2009).  Case studies of three dimensional effects on the behaviour of test embankments.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 46(11): 1356-1370.  Click here to view paper.

  4. Qu, G., Hinchberger, S.D. and Lo, K.Y. (2009).  Evaluation of the viscous behaviour of clay using generalized overstress viscoplastic theory.  Geotechnique, doi:  10.1680/geot.8.P.031.  Click here to view paper.

  5. El Naggar, H., Hinchberger, S.D. and Lo, K.Y. (2008).  A closed-form solution for composite tunnel linings in a homogeneous infinite isotropic elastic medium. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45(1): 266-287.  Click here to view paper.

  6. Hawlader, B.C., Lo, K.Y. and Moore, I.D. (2005).  Analysis of tunnels in shaly rock considering three-dimensional stress effects on swelling.  Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 42, pp. 1-12.  Click here to view paper.

  7. Lo, K.Y., Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., Lee, Y.N and Lee, S.W. (2000).  Electrokinetic strengthening of a soft marine sediment.  International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 10, pp. 137-144.  Click here to view paper.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Guo, Y., Shang, J.Q., Luo, X. and Lo, K.Y. (2015). Landslides in the Three Gorges reservoir area. The 3rd IACGE International Conference on Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering (IACGE2015) and the 28th ICTPA Annual Conference (ICTPA2015), Los Angeles.

  2. Hayder, M., Al-Maamori, S., El Naggar, M.H., Micic, S. and Lo, K.Y. (2015).  Swelling potential of Queenston shale in lubricant fluids.  Proceedings of the 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Quebec City.

  3. Ahn, T., Micic, S. and Lo, K.Y. (2015).  The effect on rock swelling due to the salinity difference between rock pore fluid and ambient fluid.  Proceedings of the 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, Quebec City.

  4. Kramer, G., McMillian, R. and Lo, K.Y. (2014).  The crosstown treated water tunnel:  Lessons learned - past and present.  The Tunnelling Association of Canada, Vancouver TAC 2014:  Tunnelling in a Resource Driven World!  Vancouver, B.C.

  5. Lardner, T. and Lo, K.Y. (2014). Performance analysis of deep excavations in rock. Proceedings of the 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina.

  6. Ahn, T., Lo, K.Y. and Hinchberger, S. (2014). Mechanical behaviour of TSL for concrete tunnel linings. Proceedings of the 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina.

  7. Lo, K.Y. (2013). Case studies of underground development. Keynote lecture at ICE-HKA and ASCE-HK Joint Annual Conference on From Cavern to Reclamation: The Engineering Behind, Hong Kong.

  8. Lo, K.Y. (2011). The effects of deep excavations in soils and rock on adjacent structures. The R.M. Hardy Address, 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Toronto. Click here to view paper.

  9. Qu, Q., Lo, K.Y., Janes, M., Micic, S. and Lardner, T. (2010). Numerical analyses on the wall deflections of the Bow excavation. The 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Calgary, Alberta.  Click here to view paper.

  10. Lo, K.Y. and Micic, S. (2010). Evaluation of swelling properties of shales for the design of underground Structures. ITA-AITES 2010 World Tunnel Congress, Vancouver.

  11. Lo, K.Y., Micic, S., Lardner, T. and Janes, M. (2009). Geotechnical properties of a weak mudstone in downtown Calgary. The 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Click here to view paper.

  12. Lo, K.Y. and Hinchberger, S.D. (2006). Keynote Paper: Stability analysis accounting for macroscopic and microscopic structures in clays. In the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, October 4-6, 2006, Balkema, The Netherlands. Click here to view paper.

  13. Micic, S. and Lo, K.Y. (2005). Increasing pullout resistance of offshore foundations in soft clays. The 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 2005.

  14. Dittrich, J.P., Rowe, R.K., Becker, D.E. and Lo, K.Y. (2002). Analysis of the 1990's excavation of the Sarnia approach for the new St. Clair Tunnel Project. Proceedings, 55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Niagara Falls.

  15. Dittrich, J.P., Becker, D.E., Lo, K.Y. and Rowe, R.K. (2001). A proposed method for evaluating Ko in fine grained soils using CPT pore pressure measurements. Proceedings, 54th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Calgary.

  16. Dittrich, J.P., Becker, D.E., Rowe, R.K. and Lo, K.Y. (2000). Analysis of the 1890's excavation of the Sarnia approach to the St. Clair Tunnel. Proceedings, 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal.

K.Y. Lo - Volumes 1 and 2

The K. Y. Lo Volumes 1 and 2 (2005). From Soft Clay to Hard Rock in Geotechnical Engineering. Contains selected papers in five areas with preludes, pp. 1935. (Available for purchase, please contact Cynthia Quintus at cquintus@eng.uwo.ca).

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Geotechnical Research Centre
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Rm. 3080
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