News and Events
Volume 1 - Edition 9
February 2005

Western Engineering Welcomes:

Belle Almoro, Graduate Affairs Assistant, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

Maria Belen Almoro, who goes by the name “Belle,” joined Western Engineering February 1 as the Graduate Affairs Assistant in the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering.  Her office is located in the Spencer Engineering Building, room 3002A.

Belle has a Bachelor of Science in Information and Computer Science from St. Paul College of Manila (Philippines).  She has worked as a computer instructor and then as a systems analyst/programmer before moving into administration.  She assumed an administrative role (administrative assistant) at King Khalid National Guard Hospital in Saudi Arabia and rapidly moved through the ranks until she became Medical Staff Coordinator working for the head of the Hospital (the equivalent of the hospital CEO).   

She moved to Canada just a few months ago, encouraged by London physicians she met while in Saudi Arabia, and found employment here at a local architectural firm, in an administrative role.  Based on feedback from the people she met abroad, she was hopeful to find a position at Western.   

Feedback received from Belle’s referees were glowing.  The concluding remarks of one referee sums it up, I would rehire Belle in an instant if in a position to do so. I can think of no better person or one more willing or more ‘teachable’ and adaptable."

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Last Updated: 15/02/05