Advanced Manufacturing Park Construction


Western University's Advanced Manufacturing Park is starting to take shape with the ongoing construction of the WindEEE Dome and the Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites Research @ Western.

WindEEE Dome is the world's first hexagonal wind tunnel. It has the capability of physically simulating high intensity wind systems - including tornadoes, downbursts, gust fronts or low-level nocturnal currents - that cannot be created in any of the existing wind tunnels.

More information on WindEEE Dome is available on the website.

Check out photos from the construction site.

Watch a video of the construction of WindEEE Dome.

Western University and the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfinztal, Germany have launched a long-term research collaboration on composite technologies for weight reduction. This joint venture represents the first comprehensive initiative between a Canadian university and an institute of Fraunhofer.

Together, Western and Fraunhofer will work on composite technologies adapted to the local demands of each region’s industry in the joint Fraunhofer Project Center for Composites Research @ Western – focusing on the development of light weight composites for the transportation and building materials sectors – set to open in July 2012.

The activities of both research entities will utilize and increase the expertise to accelerate composite innovations as lightweight solutions for the transportation, construction, renewable energy and aerospace.

More information is available on the website.

Check out photos from the construction site.


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.: Allison Stevenson
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2074
T: .519.850.2917
F: 519.661.3808