Report Guidelines

The report should be:

  • 8 to 9 pages (double spaced);
  • Plus a cover page including – name, student number, engineering program, company name, position title and date.

Required Report Content:

  • General Company Overview;
  • Description of your position(s) including technical and non-technical work, skills learned, training received, mentoring programs, special assignments etc.;
  • Major projects and key learning’s from the placement;
  • Applicability to your degree and program;
  • How your Long Term Co-op has affected or changed your employment/career goals;
  • Comments on your experience and your overall thoughts of your Long Term Co-op and the company;
  • Any pictures, diagrams, special projects etc. that you wish to include are optional and additional to your 8 to 9 pages of report content.

***Ensure that any company information/material included in the report is approved by your employer.

Important Report Details:

Please remember that your report is graded (pass/fail) by Engineering Career Services. It is also open to future students for review to assist them in learning about your Long Term Co-op and what a placement is like in that company. Your report may also be used by The University of Western Ontario as a promotion to employers and potential students for the Long Term Co-op program.

If you have any questions or concerns about your report being open to the public please email Engineering Career Services at

It is your responsibility to confirm with your employer that you are not disclosing any confidential company information. If you would like to submit your report and have it viewed only by Engineering Career Services, then that can be arranged at the request of your employer for confidentiality reasons.